May 13th, 2023
We are very thankful All ages and levels are welcome to join us at our 1st Annual 5K!
The Alexander Trujillo Foundation is raising funds to support all young adult cancer patients of ages 18-34. 100% of the proceeds from this 5k will be going towards our Grant Program. Participate with us as we give young adults and their caregivers/families in our community the opportunity to have financial assistance while undergoing cancer treatment.
Event details:
• Runners will be chipped & timed
• Free t-shirts to registrants (while supplies last)
• Medals awarded for all participants.
John Prince Park - Center Pavilion
Lake Worth, FL
Date: May 13th, 2023
6:00am- Start of Participant Check in
7:15am - Warm Up with Trainer
7:30am - 5k start time
8:45am - Kids Fun Run - 400 meters
9:00am - Cool down with Trainer
Who Can Participate?
Anyone can participate! This is a family friendly event, open to the public, and all ages.
You can run, walk, skip, shuffle, saunter or dance your way through our 5K course.
Is It Just a 5K?
Not at all, it’s an event full of support, faith, hope and overall joy! We will be starting off with a pre-race warm up and a post-race cool down. Family friendly games and our sponsors will be onsite. We are excited to host and see you there!
What Does the 5K Benefit?
The Alexander Trujillo (AlexTru) Foundation annual 5k event benefits the AlexTru Grant Funds. The grant fund was created to assist young adults and their caregivers of ages 18-34 years who are undergoing cancer treatments in Florida.
Who is Alexander Trujillo?
Alexander Trujillo was a 21-year-old who went through a year of Acute Lymphocyte Leukemia treatment at Sylvester Cancer Center in 2018. He was a kindhearted young man who helped many people from a young age. He aspired to finish his college education and become a history professor at a local university educating young adults. While in treatment, he planned on opening this foundation to provide support, faith and assistance to all young adults who were encountered with cancer as an obstacle in their life. When Alex passed away, his family created this fund to honor his memory as a dedicated young man who made it a priority helping others on a regular basis.
Interested in Becoming a Sponsor?
All sponsors are welcomed! We have 3 types of sponsor levels.
Reach out to Paola Trujillo for more information at 561-889-3869 or email at ptrujillo@alextru.org.
$1000 donation
Logo on website, social media and all race materials, more prominent logo visibility on t-shirts given to all participants.
Business will be recognized throughout the event.
Logo on start/finish line banner.
Tent set up with tables at event. (Must always have one attendant present at table)
$750 donation
Logo visibility on water bottle labels
Logo visibility at water stations through race.
Logo on
Business recognition throughout event
Logo on T-shirts given to all participants.
$500 donation
Logo on website, social media, and all race material
Logo on T-shirts given to all participants
Logo on signs throughout race course.
Help us support our participant:
at a water station dispensing bottled water
at the finish line handing out medals, t-shirts and water
at the food and beverage tent
at event set up or pick up time
Volunteers will receive a short-sleeve t-shirt​
If your friends or family members are participating in the race, you can also participate by serving as a volunteer. Meet them after the race and socialize afterwards.